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Running tests locally


  • Set CORSO_PASSPHRASE environment variable

    export CORSO_PASSPHRASE=<some password>
  • Set AWS credential (needed for tests that use S3) environment variables

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="...."
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="..."
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="..."
  • Create a config file with the S3 bucket used for testing

    bucket = '<bucket name>'
  • Set CORSO_TEST_CONFIG_FILE to use the test config file

    export CORSO_TEST_CONFIG_FILE=~/.corso_test.toml
  • Set M365 Credentials environment variables

    You can find more information on how to get these values in our M365 docs.

    export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<id>
    export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<secret>
    export AZURE_TENANT_ID=<tenant>

Running tests

Standard go test ./... will run unit tests

Integration style tests run when enabled by setting the appropriate environment variable.

For example, CORSO_CI_TESTS=true go test ./...

The complete list of environment constants is available at .../src/internal/tester/integration_runners.go.

Advanced options

  • To override the M365 user for tests, use CORSO_M365_TEST_USER_ID

    export CORSO_M365_TEST_USER_ID="..."