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Quick start

This quick start guide runs through the steps you can follow to create your first Microsoft 365 backup and restore:

Download Corso

Download a Corso binary for your platform. If you would like to use a Docker container, the first docker run will pull the image.

$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri `
-UseBasicParsing -Outfile
Expand-Archive .\

Connect to Microsoft 365

Obtaining credentials from Microsoft 365 to allow Corso to run is a one-time operation. Follow the instructions here to obtain the necessary credentials and then make them available to Corso.

$Env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID = "<Application (client) ID for configured app>"
$Env:AZURE_TENANT_ID = "<Directory (tenant) ID for configured app>"
$Env:AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET = "<Client secret value>"

Create a Corso repository

To create a secure backup location for Corso, you will first need to download Corso. Use the container or native executable to initialize the Corso repository using an encryption passphrase and a pre-created S3 bucket (Corso doesn't create the bucket if it doesn't exist). The steps below use corso-test as the bucket name but, if you are using AWS, you will need a different unique name for the bucket.

The following commands assume that in addition to the configuration values from the previous step, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN if you are using temporary credentials) are available to the Corso binary or container.

# Initialize the Corso Repository
.\corso repo init s3 --bucket corso-test

Create your first backup

Corso can do much more, but you can start by creating a backup of your Exchange mailbox. If it has been a while since you initialized the Corso repository, you might need to connect to it again.

# Backup your inbox
.\corso backup create exchange --mailbox <your exchange email address>

Your first backup may take some time if your mailbox is large.

There will be progress indicators as the backup and, on completion, you should see output similar to:

  Started At            ID                                    Status                Resource Owner
2022-10-20T18:28:53Z d8cd833a-fc63-4872-8981-de5c08e0661b Completed (0 errors)

Restore an email

Now, lets explore how you can restore data from one of your backups. You can see all Exchange backups available with the following command:

# List all Exchange backups
.\corso backup list exchange
  Started At            ID                                    Status                Resource Owner
2022-10-20T18:28:53Z d8cd833a-fc63-4872-8981-de5c08e0661b Completed (0 errors)
2022-10-20T18:40:45Z 391ceeb3-b44d-4365-9a8e-8a8e1315b565 Completed (0 errors)

Next, select one of the available backups and list all backed up emails. See here for more advanced filtering options.

# List emails in a selected backup
.\corso backup details exchange --backup <id of your selected backup> --email "*" | Select-Object -First 5

The output from the command above should display a list of any matching emails. Note the ID of the email you would like to use for testing restore.

  ID            Sender                 Subject                                  Received
360bf6840396 Re: Request for Apple/Amazon gift cards 2022-10-18T02:27:47Z
84dbad89b9f5 Come join us! 2022-10-19T06:12:08Z

To restore the selected email, use the following command.

# Restore a selected email
.\corso restore exchange --backup <id of your selected backup> --email <email message ID>

A confirmation of the recovered email will be shown and the email will appear in a new mailbox folder named Corso_Restore_DD-MMM-YYYY_HH:MM:SS.

  ID            Sender                 Subject                                  Received
360bf6840396 Re: Request for Apple/Amazon gift cards 2022-10-18T02:27:47Z

Advanced Restores

You can control where your data gets restored, and what happens if restored items would overwrite existing ones. Let's restore a folder in OneDrive back to its original location. Since the folder already exists, we can tell corso to with duplicate names as copies.

# Restore a folder to its original location
.\corso restore onedrive --backup <id of your selected backup> `
--folder "/presentations/company_culture" `
--destination "/" `
--collisions copy

A confirmation of the recovered files will be shown and those files will appear back in their original folder.

  ID            ItemName        ParentPath                       Size    Owner  Created               Modified
f43bff59de56 slides 1.ppt /presentations/company_culture 23 kB 2023-07-05T18:37:57Z 2023-07-05T18:37:58Z
c0de2282e9c7 giftcards.xls /presentations/company_culture 0 B 2023-07-05T18:37:47Z 2023-07-05T18:37:47Z

See here for more restoration options.

Read more

The above tutorial only scratches the surface for Corso's capabilities. We encourage you to dig deeper by: