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corso repo connect s3

Ensures a connection to an existing S3 repository.

corso repo connect s3 --bucket <bucket> [flags]


# Connect to a Corso repo in AWS S3 bucket named "my-bucket"
corso repo connect s3 --bucket my-bucket

# Connect to a Corso repo in AWS S3 bucket named "my-bucket" using a prefix
corso repo connect s3 --bucket my-bucket --prefix my-prefix

# Connect to a Corso repo in an S3 compliant storage provider
corso repo connect s3 --bucket my-bucket --endpoint my-s3-server-endpoint


--passphrasePassphrase to protect encrypted repository contents
--aws-access-keyS3 access key
--aws-secret-access-keyS3 access secret
--aws-session-tokenS3 session token
--bucketName of S3 bucket for repo.
--prefixRepo prefix within bucket.
--endpointS3 service endpoint.
--disable-tlsfalseDisable TLS (HTTPS)
--disable-tls-verificationfalseDisable TLS (HTTPS) certificate verification.
--help-hfalsehelp for s3

Global and inherited flags

--config-file$HOME/.corso.tomlconfig file location
--debug-api-callsfalseadd non-2xx request/response errors to logging
--hide-progressfalseturn off the progress bar displays
--jsonfalseoutput data in JSON format
--log-filecorso-<timestamp>.loglocation for writing logs, use '-' for stdout
--log-formattextset the log format to text
--log-levelinfoset the log level to debug
--mask-sensitive-datafalseanonymize personal data in log output
--no-statsfalsedisable anonymous usage statistics gathering
--retain-progressfalseretain the progress bar displays after completion
--verbosefalsedon't hide additional information